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Status Frequency



New Member
How often do you post something new on your Fanpage for Facebook? I see some FanPages that rarely ever have something different. There are others that have multiple posts throughout the day. I try to have something at least every few days. Should I have more?


Active Member
I would imagine that it depends on the size of your following and how many relevant posts that you can make. If you receive very few shares when posting often, then step back and make higher quality posts that people are more likely to 'like' and share.


You know, if you do not have a huge following on your fan page, making a few quality posts biweekly to monthly is often the best way to go without stretching yourself too thin for only a handful of people. More does not always equal better, except in perhaps Twitter's and Tumblr's case where people can easily share tweets and other content without going out of their way, then you want your posts to be short and sweet, but tempting to click. If something appeals to ten targeted people, chances are it can appeal to hundreds, even thousands if executed properly. You can also promote products at a good frequency, or maybe even post your latest article or blog post and feed it directly onto your page for quick views.


New Member
I keep it simple: Anytime I have uploaded new content and want to spread the word, or anytime I have something worth hearing. Talking for the sake of talking seems too shallow and forced in my opinion. A lot of people will treat your updates like spam if you talk a lot and say nothing. Quality over quantity, but quality with consistency.


Whenever I have a page up where I'm selling a product or working on a marketing scheme, I make sure to update at least once per day. You need to keep the idea of your company or product in the fan or follower's mind, and in order to do that, frequent updates are pretty much mandatory. On my personal page, I update even more than that, but that's just because I got a lot to say! ;)


New Member
I seem to post in spurts. Just when I feel like it or have something worthwhile to say. :thumbsup:


I post only when I have something that I genuinely want to share with my friends, not for the sake of publicity or to get likes and comments. This could be as frequent as twice in a day or as sporadic as once every two weeks. I don't have my own fan page or any opened by me, but I'm subscribed to a few. Some of them post every alternate hour, stuff that are utterly mindless and not even connected to what the page is about. This is rather unnecessary if you ask me.


New Member
I would publish my status everytime I had something to offer. Whether it's an article that just got published on my website, or a cool video I found online, I would share it on my fan page. If it was a basic status update, I would usually update on what was happening, why I couldn't put out an article on a specific date, but overall, I don't post useless and meaningless status messages.


Active Member
Yes, it really depends on the site. Mine is tennis ranking site, so every time there is a game I post the result. Sometimes we have 4 or 5 games per day, so minimum that is what I make. Depending if I have another information to give this number can be higher.


I think having daily updates is best, but at the same time, updating just for the sake of it generally won't really go over well with the audience too. I'd say that the best way is to keep it frequent, but just enough, and only you will know how often you should do it by getting a feel for the audience and their responses. Just in general, however, daily updates are the best rule of thumb, in my opinion.


I let content dictate frequency. If I have a new article, or I'm participating in a photo challenge from another page I follow, or have a new post up on my blog I post. If there's nothing new going on, I'm quiet. I'm not sure that's the best method, but I know it is what I prefer to see from pages I like - there have been pages I've quit following rather than have my whole feed cluttered up with meaningless, post-for-the-sake-of-posting status updates and images.


I strive for 4-5 times a week to post to my Facebook fan pages although at times it winds up being once or twice a week. I typically select content that would be appealing enough for members to visit the website itself -- videos, notably -- and/or want to share the content with their friends. But it really needs to be something that is useful and/or entertaining. I certainly don't want to contribute to anyone's information overload!


Once everyday or every two days is what I do. I wouldn't want to bore my fans by not posting enough or else they may feel that my page is not worth following or that I am neglecting them. I also wouldn't want to overwhelm them with too many status updates as if Facebook is Twitter. It's best to have a good balance.


Barely will you find me posting new things on my facebook Fanpage. But this mostly depends on situations sometimes I am too much on the go while other times I am completely dormant. Especially when there are, my favorite activities going on you will find me posting newly ten times a day. When no lovely activity on the move I may take more than ten days even before visiting my facebook account itself. Except when I have new content, product or business idea I think it can generate traffic in my business you will find me quite active.


Active Member
The fan page I have for my blog is set up to post a link to any new blog posts I publish...and sometimes I post often on my blog and sometimes I don' my facebook page is updated randomly as well. Every now and then I'll find something cool and post it on my facebook without posting about it on my blog, but that doesn't happen very often.

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